Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Favorite Shows

With my two favorite shows coming on tonight, I think this is the perfect time for my Favorite Shows post! I watch a lot of TV, probably too much. Thank God for the man/woman who invented the DVR. What the hell did we do before DVR? Oh yeah...VCR lol. Well, first I'll say, I'm a HUGE fan of drama shows. You know the CSI's of the world. I'm only going to list my favorite shows here goes:

1. Criminal Minds...this show is just on another level of crazy. To think some of this stuff actually could happen and does happen is just sick. It is one of those FBI crime shows that goes after serial killers and the like. And of course there are a couple of cuties to admire as well!!!

2. Law and Order: SVU....I started by watching the Original L&O and got on SVU through the reruns on USA. Love Love Love this show. And Det. Benson, Mariska I don't care that she is 47. She gets better with age!

3. I'm not a fan of the reality shows like Kardashian and such (well maybe a lil Jersey Shore, but I'll get to that later) but I do like the competition realty shows. For instance: Survivor, Amazing Race, and Big Brother. I used to get into Idol, but not anymore. Too long, and hard to keep up with at times.

4. So You Think You Can Dance...this should be with #3 but I kept it separate because you are probably thinking "wait...this guy watches SYTYCD?" Yes I do. A couple of years ago I was hanging out with a female friend and she turned it on. I've been hooked since. Contrary to what some may think, I'm not sports all the time. I do like other things. Some of the dances are very inspirational and emotional, and others are fun and upbeat. Most of the guys are usually on the gay side, but that's ok. It is just a fun show to watch!

5. Ok...Jersey Shore. I'll be honest...I watch every episode. I didn't from the beg, because I though, no way in hell. But then around the 3rd season, I wanted to see what the big deal was. Everyone close to my age, 27, probably watched Real World back in the day. It is kind of like that in a way. It is just stupid people, getting paid to drink and party and have sex with strangers all the time...and damnit...I like that lol.

There are plenty other shows that I get caught up in as well. TNT, USA usually have some good shows during the summer. And I watch anything on CBS like NCIS, CSI, and CSI:NY. I'll say this...there never is a dull moment with my DVR lol.

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