Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Blessed to have a job, but.....

Let me get one thing straight. After being unemployed for as long as I was, I can say that I am definitely blessed to be working again. Even though it is only a contract position. That being said...I'm not being challenged. Working contract I feel like I'm always waiting on the next thing to do. My manager is so busy and sometimes scatterbrained that I have to go to him daily to ask what to do for the day. That and I feel like the work I'm doing almost anyone could do. I still look weekly for something more concrete and long term. Hopefully something worth while will come along soon. I need it so I can really move on with my life and do things I've always been wanting to do. Oh well, just gotta keep praying and chugging along.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This year has been so up and down for me, but I'm just happy to be alive! I have so many things and people to be thankful for. I guess I'll just list them:

  • Parents
  • Family
  • Best Friends (specifically...Charles, Val, Laura, Chris)
  • HS Friends that I still see/talk to day to day
  • College Friends
  • Other Friends that I have had the privilege to meet over the years
  • TCU Horned Frogs!!!
  • My 2 cities I call home...Houston & Fort Worth
  • Eva Mendez, Natalie Portman, Alicia Keys, Mariah Carey (skinny version), Beyonce, Christina Aguilera, Mariska Hargitay :)
  • Football
  • This wonderful country...USA
  • A JOB
  • Houston Texans
  • And most importantly, the man above, GOD!!!

Thank you!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Homeward Bound

Sometimes you have to make decisions in your life that you just wish you didn't have to make. Never would I have imagined at the age of 27, 28 in a month, that I would be moving back home to my parents. I haven't lived at home since leaving for college in Aug 2002. Since I graduated undergrad in 2006, I have been living alone. Which, by the way, I loved. I always imagined the next time I lived with someone would be when I got married. But things happen in your life that you just can't control. I may be working now, but after being unemployed for as long as I was, I felt it was best to go home for a few months to save some money. My goal is 6 months tops, which puts me around summer time. I guess I am lucky in a way. I have parents that will welcome me back home with no issues. Wish me luck...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Ever had an interview cancelled before you get to the interview? Yeah...that just happened. Had an interview today at 10am. Literraly get in my car, turn it on, and get a call from my recruiter saying she has bad news. So the company, interviews someone yesterday and makes an offer last night. This usually never happens. At least interview the rest of the people you had scheduled to interview. That just pisses me off. I get prepared, get up early, etc etc etc. On to the next...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is there a doctor in the house?

Got a headache tonight, plus more. Need a female to take care of me. :( Or a nurse. It is Halloween, there has to be some hot chick at least pretending to be a doctor or nurse!!! Where are y'all...?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Random thought

I hope I have cute babies (when the time comes). All my friends have cute babies. I don't want to be that one guy with the ugly ass baby. I'm going to need a hot wife. Anyways...carry on.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Secret Crush

Ok...this just needs to be said. I have a secret crush on....Taylor Swift. I know I know...laugh laugh laugh. But seriously, she is CUTE. And, for the record, I could care less about her music. I just like her look. She has that girl next door look that I REALLY like. Especially when her hair is straight!!! And, I checked, she is of legal age, so I'm allowed to crush on her a lil. There is only a 6 year difference...not bad right? But let's not tell others please, thanks! Here are a couple of pics...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


It is definitely time for a change. A change that I have been saying I would commit to for the last 2+ years. I went to the doc the other day and they weighed me. 233. This would have to be the most I have ever weighed in my life. Embarrassing if you ask me. 9 years ago when I graduated hs I was somewhere between 180 and 190. I was athletic, in shape, 6 pack and the whole works. Ran track and played on the basketball team. Now...I come home from work and go straight to the couch and watch TV. Sometimes I wonder why I am single. Then I look at the scale or in a mirror and there is my answer. I wouldn't want to date me. How did I get so lazy all of a sudden? I really need to lose weight and get healthy. I need to feel better about myself and gain that confidence that I've always had. No more excuses. Goal weight...200 pounds. I know I can do this....I just have to do it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Favorite Shows

With my two favorite shows coming on tonight, I think this is the perfect time for my Favorite Shows post! I watch a lot of TV, probably too much. Thank God for the man/woman who invented the DVR. What the hell did we do before DVR? Oh yeah...VCR lol. Well, first I'll say, I'm a HUGE fan of drama shows. You know the CSI's of the world. I'm only going to list my favorite shows here...so here goes:

1. Criminal Minds...this show is just on another level of crazy. To think some of this stuff actually could happen and does happen is just sick. It is one of those FBI crime shows that goes after serial killers and the like. And of course there are a couple of cuties to admire as well!!!

2. Law and Order: SVU....I started by watching the Original L&O and got on SVU through the reruns on USA. Love Love Love this show. And Det. Benson, Mariska Hargitay...wow. I don't care that she is 47. She gets better with age!

3. I'm not a fan of the reality shows like Kardashian and such (well maybe a lil Jersey Shore, but I'll get to that later) but I do like the competition realty shows. For instance: Survivor, Amazing Race, and Big Brother. I used to get into Idol, but not anymore. Too long, and hard to keep up with at times.

4. So You Think You Can Dance...this should be with #3 but I kept it separate because you are probably thinking "wait...this guy watches SYTYCD?" Yes I do. A couple of years ago I was hanging out with a female friend and she turned it on. I've been hooked since. Contrary to what some may think, I'm not sports all the time. I do like other things. Some of the dances are very inspirational and emotional, and others are fun and upbeat. Most of the guys are usually on the gay side, but that's ok. It is just a fun show to watch!

5. Ok...Jersey Shore. I'll be honest...I watch every episode. I didn't from the beg, because I though, no way in hell. But then around the 3rd season, I wanted to see what the big deal was. Everyone close to my age, 27, probably watched Real World back in the day. It is kind of like that in a way. It is just stupid people, getting paid to drink and party and have sex with strangers all the time...and damnit...I like that lol.

There are plenty other shows that I get caught up in as well. TNT, USA usually have some good shows during the summer. And I watch anything on CBS like NCIS, CSI, and CSI:NY. I'll say this...there never is a dull moment with my DVR lol.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The fear of rejection.

I think like almost everyone, we all have a fear of rejection. I for sure do. For pretty much my whole life I have always gotten the " Oh Mike, you are a great guy, let's just be friends" response from countless females. I guess that is why I have so many damn female friends. It is frustrating when a girl tells you, "you are a great guy, good looking, and would make any girl happy"...yet you aren't good enough for them. Tell me how that makes sense now...?

I tend to flirt with my married female friends more so than the single girls. Why? Well, it's easier. I already know what their response will be...no. (Well...I assume lol). Yeah it is still rejection, but its justified. "No, I'm married" Well can't argue with that. A lot of my female friends are married now. They sometimes flirt back with me, but it's all friendly. No harm, no foul.

I wish it was easier...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

"God Bless Saturdays"

I'm pretty sure fall is the best time of the year. And I love days like today, where I can just chill on my couch and watch nothing but college football games ALL day. Start off the morning with a little College Gameday, and then it's non stop football. Some TCU mixed in later tonight and that makes for a perfect day. I hope when I have a family of my own I can continue days like today. Going to need me a football loving wife! lol. Anyways...enjoy your day!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Busy weekend

Wow...busy football weekend for me. Let's start with Friday. Leave work around lunch time to drive to Fort Worth. Get in town, head to Baker Street for Happy Hour (like old times). Saturday morning, start tailgating at 10am. TCU game started at 2:30. We won't talk about that now. Still pissed off. Losing to both Baylor and SMU in the same damn season.... #rivalry games. Anyways...left Fort Worth at 8:30 Saturday night and got back to Houston at 12:30am. Wake up at 7 to tailgate for Texans game. My boys pulled it out (that's what she said) and the Texans are now 3-1. Now...I'm tired. To the couch I go, to watch other games! Peace out for now!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


So my previous blogging SUCKED, so I've decided to start over. I'm always thinking up random shit, so why don't I just write things down. I will mainly talk about sports, chicks, sports, things that go on in my day to day life, work or lack thereof), Houston, Fort Worth, more sports, and probably chicks! I tend to stay away from political talk. Healthy discussion is ok, but I hate when people argue about something when you are not going to change the others mind. It is ok to disagree on things, but it doesn't mean the other person or group is wrong if you do.

A little about me. I'm a 27 year old, black male from Houston. I graduated from Texas Christian University with an Accounting/Finance degree in 2006. I went back to school for my Masters of Accountancy, which I obtained in 2008. I will always consider Fort Worth my second home, but I have been back in Houston now for 2+ years. There are times when I wish I was still in Fort Worth, then there are times where I don't want to leave Houston. Luckily for me the two cities are only 250 miles apart. And after 10 years of driving back and forth...250 miles is NOTHING.

Most of my family live outside of Texas, except my parents and one cousin in Allen. I didn't really grow up with my cousins, and being an only child, I really value the friendships that I have. I am good with keeping in touch with my friends, or at least I try to be. I have a lot of female friends for some reason, but not a lot of male. I'm sure there is some reason for that, but who knows. My lady friends, well...they are all married or taken, so that kind of sucks.

Single life...well...that's for another blog post lol. It has its ups and downs. That's all I'll say about that for now. lol

Subscribe and comment on my posts please. I love feedback.